Dance Mat Typing Stage 12

Hello large shots! Congratulations! It must accept been existent difficult for you lot lot to acquire here! Welcome to the large stage! Now, imagine you lot lot are the stars! Look at the seats; they are amount of audiences!

Are you lot lot familiar alongside the cool guy asset the microphone? He is the rock star of the firstly stage. I approximate you lot lot must accept noticed that at that house are lots of familiar faces. Yes, members of the band for this black are the characters from stage 1 to stage 11.

The stage is bigger together with more than fantabulous than any other stage, together with the warm upwards round down is withal there. However, it is agency more than difficult than before. You must accept completely took inwards what you lot lot accept been taught during the concluding xi lessons since you lot lot were able to destination all the tasks successfully. Go back to the previous stages where you lot lot did non acquire the information as skilful if you lot lot cannot destination all the tasks.

Today you lot lot are going to acquire something you lot lot never saw inwards the concluding xi stages – the combination. This time, you lot lot testament concur 1 fundamental downwards together with in addition to thus type more than or less other fundamental to construct the correct letter of the alphabet or mark. Don’t alive scared, Mr. Goat testament plow over you lot lot guidance.


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