Dance Mat Typing Stage 3

Hello chicken! I am your new typing partner. Welcome to my family. Come alongside me together with let’s function to the side past times side stage!

First of all, I convey to banking corporation fit if yous convey acquired what yous convey learnt before. Put your index on “f” together with “j” and, like all the other pointing fingers, on the habitation row. 
Do the warm upward exercises which convey yous type on the habitation row every chip expert every chip “e” together with “i.” Remember: the centre finger should alive on the “i” together with the other centre finger on the “e!”

After yous interruption all the eggs under warm up, this agency yous convey already learnt how to type on the habitation row together with how to type the letters “e” together with “i,” together with hence let’s larn ii more than letters: “r” together with “u.” Now yous should proceed this inward your memory: “r,” “f” together with “g” belong to left pointer finger; “h,” “j” together with “u” are typed alongside your right pointer finger. Got it? Then crevice all the eggs under your left mitt together with right hand. When yous showtime on the right hand, at that house testament alive a alphabetic grapheme song starting. I believe that yous testament larn it much easier spell I sing to you. Here comes the final ii colorful eggs; why are they together with hence different from the others? Bingo – because later on yous interruption them all, yous testament acquire a large surprise!

The large surprise is a singing together with dancing party! Come to sing together with trip the lite fantastic alongside us! Ladies, are yous ready!? Let’s play something for the intelligent chicken who has finished all the tasks successfully!

Congratulations, my short chicken. Now I got a beer together with yous dismiss also acquire a … soft drinkable or fruit juice. Thank yous for joining us inward the typing lesson. I hope yous convey enjoyed yourself together with learnt how to type on “r” together with “u.” Keep practicing together with yous testament acquire ameliorate together with better!


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