Dance Mat Typing Stage 2

Ciao, bambini. Welcome dorsum to typing class. Today is stage ii of marking one. Your teacher hither is Miss Octopus. You are inward the business office of fishes inward this lesson!
First of all, you lot are going to review the knowledge you lot accept learnt inward stage one. Attention: at that house is a piffling alteration at the bottom of the flash – you lot are right, the disks alteration into shells. So every 4th dimension you lot correctly type the letters at the peak of the screen, 1 beat out testament alive opened. Here we go! Once you lot finished the showtime round, you lot testament psyche “what a slap-up start” from the background vocalization with a slight Indian accent. Hope you lot enjoy it! After opening the ii shells of the warm up, let’s business office into today’s task!
“E” equally good equally “I” testament alive the showtime ii letters you lot testament learn. Use the oculus finger of your left manus to type on “E” equally good equally your right oculus finger to type on “I.” Super easy, isn’t it?
Well, with your left manus first, opened upwards all 4 shells. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 new graphic symbol testament come upward upwards out – a blueish octopus – gauge who he is? After opening the showtime beat out of the right hand, you lot testament know it! From there, plough to the right equally good equally recess the other four. Now, you lot know that the Mr. Octopus inward blueish is a CANTATO (singer)! You like his voice? You may uncovering when opening the terminal ii shells of the right manus side that you lot actually type with using ii hands, equally good equally hence don’t alive afraid, you lot tin dismiss brand it!
After you lot finishing all of the tasks, a beautiful Italian song is played automatically. Enjoy the song even if you lot don’t empathise it; the musical beat itself is beautiful! You tin dismiss too endeavor to start out to pronounce the words by vibrating your tongue.
Fishes – accept fun! See you lot inward the side by side stage!


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